Take charge of your wellbeing and join in!

Vanessa Whittaker SC

The Wellbeing Committee takes this chance to remind members of some of the opportunities available to them to combine the collegiality of the Bench and Bar with pleasant pastimes.

The Bar Bushwalking Group is organised by President Robert White, Leah Reid and David Pritchard SC. It provides a great opportunity to exercise in the most beautiful parts of Sydney and its surrounds while enjoying the company of a diverse group of members. The next outings planned are:

• Saturday 22 June 2024 in Blue Gum Forest;

• Sunday 22 September 2024 in Devil’s Hole; and

• Sunday 17 November 2024 in the Royal National Park Coastal Walk.

Please contact David or Robert for further information.

The Bar Knitting Club – which celebrates not only knitting but all needlecraft – meets on the last Tuesday of every month. All levels of proficiency and expertise are represented, ranging from complete beginners to Easter Show prizewinners. Show and tell about the latest projects is encouraged, and light refreshments are provided. All are welcome!

Please email Michelle Painter SC or Jackie Charles with inquiries.

The Bar Walking Group operates under the auspices of Dauid Sibtain SC. It provides the perfect opportunity to lightly socialise with other barristers while taking a break from the desk. The group meets at the fountains in Martin Place, between Macquarie and Phillip Streets, leaving promptly at 1.10pm and returning at about 1.45pm. All are welcome and no pre-arrangement is necessary.

Please email Dauid with any inquiries. BN

Bushwalking Group
Walking Group

Vanessa Whittaker SC

Banco Chambers, Chair of Wellbeing Committee